Tag Archives: Superweeds

Farmers now turning to ‘Weed Terminator’ robot to combat herbicide-resistant weeds caused by GMOs

Main Source: Natural News
Date: 4 April 2016
Author: Sarah Landers

(NaturalNews) The biotech industry has been under a lot of scrutiny recently for its part in causing the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, which are becoming a huge problem for farmers. This resistance, combined with the toxicity of herbicides, means that it is crucial that we find an alternative way to get rid of those pesky weeds – and that’s where Ibex, a.k.a. “The Terminator,” comes in. Continue reading Farmers now turning to ‘Weed Terminator’ robot to combat herbicide-resistant weeds caused by GMOs

EPA knew pesticides were killing honeybees in the 1970s but punished those who spoke out

Natural News
September 26, 2014

(NaturalNews) For decades, top officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (PEA) were aware that a compound approved for agricultural use in the United States was wiping out the honeybee population, but they chose to ignore the compound’s effects in deference to pressure from agri-giant corporations.

Worse, the agency reacted harshly to anyone within the EPA who attempted to bring the issue to light, including through firings, forced reassignments and other actions.

According to a scholarly 2014 study [PDF] compiled by researcher Rosemary Mason, “on behalf of a global network of independent scientists, beekeepers and environmentalists,” and published on the website of MIT, “We have found historical and chronological evidence to show that the herbicide glyphosate (or other herbicides that are used as alternatives) is responsible for the transformation of garden escapes into super-weeds (in the UK these are termed ‘invasive species’).” Continue reading EPA knew pesticides were killing honeybees in the 1970s but punished those who spoke out